Do you see it in action

Love is not premeditated. Love is spontaneous, bursting up in extraordinary ways. Consider Paul’s description of love: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs” …


Teach me thy way, O Lord I will walk in thy truth: Give me an undivided heart and that I may fear your name. Psalm 86:11 The truth is our relationship with God should lead us to the place where we truly believe and know we are doing nothing apart from God.  When stepping out …


O my Strength, I will sing praises to you, for you, O God, are my fortress, the God who shows me steadfast love. Psalm 59:17       The world provides us with great challenges and opportunities we can choose to accept plow through with great vigor or view these challenges as well as the …


Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my way Psalm 119:105 Yesterday after having finished coaching I decided to go for a run at the zoo.  Well do not think I was out running along side the animals.  The zoo has vast maze of hiking and running trails, which encompass …

Pursuit of the Cup

The excitement of pre-season has reached its most intense level with the first day of training camp opening.  Players are reporting to receive physicals in order to have a clean bill of health that participation in pre-season training can begin.  There are handshakes, hugs, and heart felt greetings from ownership, office staff, coaching staff and …


Really, life is a place where we see so much we are so busy time just seems to rush by without the thought of who is left behind.  Much like as I write this blog today was an early start later than I usually start, but the day feels like it should be over.  As …


A couple of weeks ago our team played two keys games in league play what was so interesting about those games were we played a team that was at the bottom of the league, but in sport never say a team is poor as soon as you play the team you will be proven wrong. …


As a coach, most of life is spent in periods of preparation, we as coaches spend hours designing training sessions, scouting teams, evaluating players and countless time reviewing previous matches.  By working in such a manner, the coach is searching for every advantage possible to give his team leading up to the next match.  The …

How deep is your Know?

We all have something we know so much about,  if it is our job or something  we spend much of our spare time doing.  Just look at all the new ideas for soccer training sessions, the new formations, and the new technology used to develop the game. Going out to evaluate trainings of coaches, they …

Match Day Motivation…Rise Up

Today men we face one a challenge that has all of us thinking about our performance and what it will take us to get a win.  Our opponent in the other locker room is thinking in the same manner we are looking for a win. We have trained well this week and we are well …