I need to hear this

We are made “partakers of the divine nature,” receiving and sharing God’s own nature through His promises. Then we have to work that divine nature into our human nature by developing godly habits. The first habit to develop is the habit of recognizing God’s provision for us. We say, however, “Oh, I can’t afford it.” …

Go with

The way fruit remains firm is through prayer, but remember that it is prayer based on the agony of Christ in redemption, not on my own agony. We must go to God as His child, because only a child gets his prayers answered; a “wise” man does not (see Matthew 11:25). #GodisGood #leadership #believe #faith …

Are you devoted

Our Lord implies that the only men and women He will use in His building enterprises are those who love Him personally, passionately and devotedly beyond any of the closest ties on earth. The conditions are stern, but they are glorious #GodisGood #leadership #oswaldchambers

Am I this way

Awe is the condition of a man’s spirit realizing Who God is and what He has done for him personally. Our Lord emphasizes the attitude of a child; no attitude can express such solemn awe and familiarity as that of a child. #GodisGood #leadership #oswaldchambers


Yes, what joy for those       whose record the Lord has cleared of sin Romans 4:8 We all have opportunities to make choices about what actions we will take in life.  We all have opportunities to make reactions to actions. We have all opportunities to speak and what we speak is up to us. We all …


I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.  Matthew 25:36   All around us there are many things that can cause us concerns.  We can see the change in relationships; we see people moving away from Bible’s teaching and more …


We don’t want to be afraid! We don’t want to smell like fear! We search for the answers in so many places.  We hear the words love and we think we are there, but we become ashamed for our choices.  Then we think are we being loved, are we being broken, are we being controlled …


In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8   I am a person who enjoys the long days of the summer.  Looking out the window in early morning hours as the sun rises as well as viewing the sun as it is …


But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering Hebrew 12:22   The struggles of life the expectations of life seem to try to move us away from God. Over the last few weeks I had interviewed for a …