
Jesus says one simple thing about judging: Don’t. The average Christian is the most sharply critical individual. The human mind has a natural tendency to criticize, but spiritually nothing is accomplished by criticism. Only the Holy Spirit is in a position to point out what is wrong in someone, because only the Holy Spirit can do …

Just thinking

You have inherited the divine nature, says Peter (2 Peter 1:4). Now focus your attention and form habits. Be diligent. Concentrate. No one is born with character, either naturally or supernaturally. We have to make character. Nor are we born with habits. We have to form habits based on the new life God has put …

True Rest

And I will give you rest,” i.e., I will stay you. Not — I will put you to bed and hold your hand and sing you to sleep; but — I will get you out of bed, out of the languor and exhaustion, out of the state of being half dead while you are alive; I …

This hits

Draw nigh unto God.” “Knock and it shall be opened unto you.” Knock — the door is closed, and you suffer from palpitation as you knock. “Cleanse your hands” — knock a bit louder, you begin to find you are dirty. “Purify your heart” — this is more personal still, you are desperately in earnest …

Yes I will

Do I want to get there? I can now. The questions that matter in life are remarkably few, and they are all answered by the words — “Come unto Me.” Not — “Do this, or don’t do that”; but — “Come unto Me.” If I will come to Jesus my actual life will be brought …

Am I here

My say-so is to be built on God’s say-so. God says — “I will never leave thee,” then I can with good courage say — “The Lord is my helper, I will not fear” — I will not be haunted by apprehension. This does not mean that I will not be tempted to fear, but …


What path do my thoughts take? Do they turn to what God says or to what I fear? “God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” If I am listening to God, I won’t simply take his comforting words and leave it at that; I’ll build upon them, adding words …


Behold, O my people, I will open your graves.” When God wants to show you what human nature is like apart from Himself, He shows it to you in yourself. If the Spirit of God has given you a vision of what you are apart from the grace of God (and He only does it …

Believe or do

It is much easier to do something than to trust in God; we mistake panic for inspiration. That is why there are so few fellow-workers with God and so many workers for Him. We would far rather work for God than believe in Him. Am I quite sure that God will do what I cannot do? I …