Jesus saith unto them, My meat is do the will of the him that sent me and to accomplish his work John 4:34

The work, the word, and the actions we do in the name of the Lord are all the Holy Spirit working through us as a vessel.  In fact everything we do should be of the Lord to glorify his name.  So if that is the case then all things are the Holy Spirit living in us and working through us.  As we commune with the Father and the deeper we connect with the Father the more we will desire to hear him and obey.  Our relationship with the Holy Spirit grows as our relationship with the Father grows.  This allows us to see God in all things and being directed by the Holy Spirit because we listen and obey. Our faith in the One that made us provides us with the strength to do the things that is asked of us by the Father.

For our soul seeks the Lord and as we seek the Lord we seek to do his will He has for our lives.  The seeking is not of our own doing, but the work the Lord is doing in us. When we realize how the Lord is always seeking us we can begin to understand how the Lord touches our hearts.  We can attempt to run, but you can’t run from his touch. Many think they can run from his touch and the lives of those we are attempting to run show the affects of running from the touch of the Lord.  How can you really run from what lives inside of you?  There is a moment in everyone’s life that they must answer to the touch of the Lord.  There are attempts to repress and compartmentalize the Lord within us because we say that we are not ready.  If it was up to us I wonder how many would every respond to the touch of the Lord. 

Our attachment to our moral beliefs causes us to possess this uprightness that places a barrier between us and God.  This attachment causes us to believe that we can play in the world and control how we play in the world. We loose sight that the Lord is the one who gives us all things and takes away. He is the one who molds us and shape. He is the one who does the crushing of our attachment to our moral beliefs as well as what we believe to be good moral standing in the world.  

We must come to the understanding that the Father never changes his plans for our lives it is us who may listen, but does not obey.  Therefore we perceive we are in relationship with an ever changing God.  If we revert back to the moment when mentioning the touch of the Lord earlier in this writing, He creates the urge in us to know him whereby with faith and obedience we give up control which helps us to see Lord for who He really is the one who loves us in the perfect manner.

To experience the life that the Lord has in store for us, the Lord provides us with a revelation that we are nothing without him and no longer are trying to live this life on our own. As we progress in this idea we will begin to see that all things we do should be unto God.  There will be a surrendering moment that is beyond impactful for our futures.  Take time to contemplate your life around Christmas see where it is and where you want it go letting the Lord do the work in you necessary.  Glory to God and his love for us is perfect.

Grace and Peace,


Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus

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