We have heard the pride of Moah, (he is exceeding proud) his loftiness, and his arrogancy, and his pride, and the haughtiness of his heart. 



 The verse of above will not allow you to understand the importance of moments.  Thinking through life, reading the bible, and reading books to improve ones life it is clear that we must all do one thing that will bring to life all that we have been doing in life. That is to understand life must be lived moment- by-moment. What is the importance of living moment-by-moment? The importance is far reaching into generations far beyond our minds will ever be able to understand.  Much like what athletes have to do each day to be at their best, the athlete will train for hours in order to reach their peak performance level.  The athlete knows what goals they want to achieve, but what gets them to that goal is moment-by-moment training that build upon every moment of training that leads to competing in their sport.  Once they have competed, they will now repeat the process of building upon their ability by training again in order to reach their peak performance level. This is their journey through their life of sport.

Now, let us put this in our daily lives attempting to live our lives, as God wants us to live.  We must believe that every word we speak, every action, every word not spoken and every action not taken will have an impact on the quality of our lives and quality other lives around us.  Truly, there are generational affects that we may never see.  We have to transform our thought process in this area of life if we are really going to live a fulfilled life.  There are many great people of the Bible such as Paul, David, Moses and Ester who came to understand the importance of moment-by-moment living. As we can all see by their lives, their transformed living had a massive impact on our lives today.

How do we begin to transform our lives to live moment by moment? First, we must start to understand that no words or actions go unused by God. Second, we must pay attention to our thoughts and emotions. Many of us just blow off what we are feeling or thinking because we just do not want to connect with the feeling roaming inside of us. Third,  must understand our moment-by-moment living has eternal implications. Lastly, we must seek God daily in his word and in prayer so we have the strength to live moment- by -moment.

By no means, is this easy living, but what it does is give us freedom in God because moment- by moment living will show us our weakness. In addition, moment-by-moment living deepens our relationship with God because we are not able to live this lifestyle without the strength of God livening in us.  Therefore, my challenge to all of you is to live moment- by -moment so your impact on your life, lives around and for generations to come will provide the impact God has planned for your life.

Grace and Peace,


Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus

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