The world communicating full time never ceasing without a moment of quiet, but we never really develop the heart.  Time filled with stuff, time filled with answers, time filled opinions, but where is the time to develop the heart.  There is time to worry; there is time to slip away into places where we expose ourselves to things that do not allow our hearts to grow.

In order to have a heart for the Lord we must remove ourselves from the constant communications of the world. There must be that quite time to pray and develop a stronger relationship with God so our heart transformation will happen. The time we close ourselves away and dive into the bible allows the word of God to rest in our heart therefore transforming occurs. 

As we engage in relationships, we find ourselves in situations where we must listen to our hearts before we speak.  Relationships are vital to our heart transformation because as we interact with others our hearts exposed to each other changes lives. Vulnerability can be one of the most difficult areas to over come. Strive to be vulnerable in relationships. Therefore, we must engage in Godly relationships, which include vulnerability in order to transform in manner in which Gods desires.

The creation of such foundation; places the heart in position to become strong in the eyes of the Lord.  When trials arise we can search through the hearts foundation and rest in the place that God has prepared. Through the preparation that has happened because, we have made a commitment striving for a heart of God. Do not fear for the Lord will meet you at the perfect place.  

Grace and Peace,


Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus

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