rod-and-alyssa1We don’t want to be afraid! We don’t want to smell like fear! We search for the answers in so many places.  We hear the words love and we think we are there, but we become ashamed for our choices.  Then we think are we being loved, are we being broken, are we being controlled or just what are we? We feel so bad, but we   can’t let go! We just don’t’ want to face it so we run away, but only to realize we are being taken down deeper.  We have been used, we have thrown away so we beg to be let go! We strive to break free, we scream, we fight, we run, the grip is so powerful. We are in a position that the pain becomes unbearable, unbreakable, and unbelievable, we can’t break free. Why have we ignored these emotions for so long? Now the pressure is rising, the pain and hurt is paralyzing us leaving us feeling locked in from every direction.  We think we have tried everything, we have talked to every professional, and we have talked to every friend that will even listen to us anymore.  In our hearts we don’t want to be afraid, we want to be in the place where these emotions don’t dominate us anymore. Are there answers near? Are we too blinded to find the answers? Are we too afraid to act?  What can we do? Can we be someone different? What does the pain want with us? We have many questions all we know is we are tired, we are broken, we smell like fear and we can’t take it anymore.


We need to let go! We need to find the one true answer! The true one answer, the one true leader, the one with unordinary love, the one with compassion beyond measures, the one and only Lord our God.  Once we realize our lives are not our lives, once we learn that he is in control of all things.  We have to understand that our thoughts are not like his thoughts. God loves us without question; he wants us in his house.  He does not want the evil man to remain evil! He wants all us in his presence. He wants every part of our being to be his. He wants us to live for him. He just does not say hey you! He calls you by your name.  There is not a person he does know by name. If we give all to God the smell of fear will leave us.  Being afraid will be replaced with the peace only God can provide.  The answers we searched for are all with God our Father. The most loving, the most compassionate, the most peaceful of all.  We may look at time and say we have thrown away so much, and we are not worthy of what God has for us. That is not true that is the smell of fear on you making believe something that is so removed from the truth.  The life we live can be so wonderful and beautiful even in the times of trouble because we will know the love of God is with us.  He will help us break free; he will get us through the most difficult times we encounter. 


So I say to all of you all of you LET GO!! We will not need to run anymore, we will not have to be afraid anymore, and we will not have to think we have thrown so much away.  JUST LET GO! Peace and joy is waiting for all us. Go with God and you can’t be kept down anymore.



Grace and Peace to you





Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus

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