But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering Hebrew 12:22


The struggles of life the expectations of life seem to try to move us away from God. Over the last few weeks I had interviewed for a head coach positions for a professional soccer team.  It is an honor for a club to ask to interview you because you know that someone was watching you while at another club.  Over the weeks my mind moved in so many directions and the excitement of maybe being the leader of a team.  My thought was that I wanted to make sure that I lead this team as God would want me to lead. I wanted to do exceptional things with the team not so much for people to say hey that guy is doing a good job, but for the reason that I could show people that you can be involved in professional sports and do it Gods ways.  Don’t get wrong my earthly mind did think I it would feel good to be the leader of a team doing something extraordinary.  My patience waned because I wanted the answer right away and I desire greatly to be a head coach.  When the answer came I that would not be selected for the job, I was gracious with the ownership of team.  I thanked them and said I was honored that I they even thought of me for the position.  I am truly honored and thankful for the opportunity to interview for the job. Inside I was disappointed and struggled to make comprehend why the team went another direction considering the interview with ownership went so well. 


As I attempted to move on I prayed, spent time in the word, listened to some of my favorite minister, listen to some praise and worship music, and spent lots of time talking with my wife who always gives me a good perspective.  This blog I am writing now God gave me a few days before I got the news, but I just could not sit down and write the blog.  There was always something that came up that took me away from writing.  Once I was informed that job was offered to someone else the blog was easy to write.  God said son I know how much you desired to have the job and I know you want to bring glory to my name with this job, but even though the ownership of the club said no to this head coaching position. I am not saying no to you about a head coaching position, but I am saying wait. You have more to accomplish in the position you are in at the moment.  My emotions moved away from struggling and disappointment to peace and joy which began to dominate.  So I set my eyes to Zion! Fixing my eyes on Zion took my mind away from disappointment of feeling rejected to thanking God for the blessing he had bestowed upon me by saying wait. I can say without any hesitation I love God so much and would be a lost soul if he was not in my life. Now even more than before I want to us my platform to impact people’s lives, to make a difference daily, to live a life that brings glory to God.  I am not looking back I am looking forward and keeping my eyes fixed on Zion.


Grace and Peace to you,


Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus

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