See, I am sending an angel before you to protect you on your journey and lead you safely to the place I have prepared for you Exodus 23:20


As of late I have been in a mode of watching and listening to people have deep discussions about life. Also during this election period in our country people seem to have so many opinions as to who is the best to lead the country or why the country will be in disarray if someone is elected president.  There is so much in the news that is heart breaking even to consistent devastation. 


So my question is tell me why there is so much death in our world? Tell me why kids are turning against there own family?  Tell me why so many men are creating children, but are not willing to be the father? Tell me why the jails are full with such young people?  Tell me why people who work so closely together in offices are always back biting? Do you see the number of husbands and wives live in the same home, but do not know each other any more? Tell me why! Tell me why so young girls are teenage mothers? Tell me why the drops out rates in some states in our country are above 60%? Tell me why so many people self medicate in our country with food or drugs? Tell me why so many people are under going plastic surgery? Tell me why our leaders are moving away from leading with integrity, honesty and trustworthiness?  Tell me why men and women say they love their spouse, but are having affairs?  Tell me why the world has so many diseases that are so deadly? Tell me why so many kids go hungry everyday? Tell me why there are so many homeless? Tell me why people who have two college educated parents working quality jobs that pay well, but can’t pay their bills?  Tell me why parents introduce their kids who they say love to drugs and alcohol? Tell me why it is so hard to forgive? Tell me why it is so hard to communicate even with people we so care so much about? Tell why we cut relationships off only because of a small disagreement? Tell why we have to create laws that protect us from ourselves? Tell me why we have to create huge campaigns to raise money for things that could be done if each person would be willing to help their neighbor?


Yes, I could on and on, but I think we get the picture. Do I have answers to all these questions? No, but I am deeply concerned and I want to find the answers.  A question that comes to mind is this end of the world, as we know it?  Once again I don’t know! What I do know is that I am not going to live my life looking for the end, but what I am going to do is to live a life that is pleasing to God.   So I challenge everyone that reads this blog to take one of these questions and tell me why you think it is and happening and  how you can change your surrounding.  See how you can affect the people and situations around you.  There are special moments everyday that we have the opportunity to affect we just need to react.  There are days for me that I see situations need a reaction, but I let it slide by and say next time. For me that is not good enough and I regret not acting. I want to be better I want to be a difference maker! What about you?  Our world needs some unordinary love and that comes from our Lord Jesus Christ. We must begin to ask ourselves questions who is leading us, who are we living for are we ready to lead and touch others. I want to leave you with these 10 statements by God. If we can embed these statements in our lives and our actions reflect we truly in understand we will find answers.  These are 10 important phrases from God that will help be the person God wants us to be on this earth.


                        10 Commandments 


1.      You shall have no other gods before me.

2.      You shall not make for yourself an idol

3.      You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God

4.      Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy

5.      Honor your father and mother

6.      You shall not kill

7.      You shall not commit adultery

8.      You shall not steal

9.      You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife



Grace and Peace to you,


Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus

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