Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.


The day started out rather slowly with me having a difficult time getting out of bed, which is not usually a problem.  On Sunday evenings I usually sit and review my pervious week’s task and add any new tasks for the current week.  So for me to have a hard time getting moving is something I do not have much experience with.  Yes, finally I made my way out of bed and prepared to go on my morning run.  My runs are my thinking, listening, communicating time with God, as well as my preparation time of the day. I scrolled through my list of podcast on my iPod and came to a topic of waiting on God for the correct direction and decisions in life.  Something that struck me into deep thought was how the minister described the purpose of not getting a clear answer from God, but being told to wait.  In the ministers experiences he has realized that waiting is just preparation for the tough times that will come once God provides you firm answer.  What I took from this is even if we are given what we want from God we will still need to be prepared for trials we will face regardless of the outcome.  Another aspect of the minister’s speaking that touched a chord with me was the fact we are asked to wait by God because if all we had to do was to ask for something for God and he gave it to us everything time on our asking, why would we need faith?


After my run, I returned home and read my daily devotional. The topic was talking about stepping out in leadership and how that can make the difference in life many times. So I have decided to write in this blog about going for things and waiting.  This combination of words does seem to have conflicting meanings.  I will attempt to show you how these words can form a good partnership.


When we think about the phrase “go for it” our mind moves in the direction of taking risk, being a leader and having confidence. Yes, to go for something does contain a fair amount of risk! Why? Because the action of attempting to achieve something takes us out of our comfort zone.  In our minds we begin to work without the protection of knowing how everything works and we give up control by moving away from our comfort zone.  Do you think the 12 disciples if they knew everything they were getting into would they have dropped everything so easily and followed Jesus? 


Next let’s examine the idea of being a leader; we hear the comments that people are born leaders.  Do I put some confidence in that statement? Yes, but I do not fully accept that comment.  Going for it…does place us with the opportunity to become a leader even if it is a fleeting moment in our lives.  By Going for it… we have to step outside the walls in which we normally reside.  Going for it… does bring others eyes into a place of examination of our lives.  So to go for it we have to be prepared to accept the terms of Going for it.  We may be faced with failure and disappointment, but Going for it… does not allow us to accept the failures or the feeling of being disappointed. We will deal with these emotions, but to really go for something does not let these circumstances affect our long-term outlook.


As we continue to analyze this topic going for it… many people view a person who is willing to go for it… as people who are beaming with confidence.  What I will say is that there is a certain level of confidence, but there is a certain level of not knowing or inability to predict the outcome which also factors into the actions of the person who is Going for it…  Confidence is a emotion that can be masked in so many ways, but most importantly those people who possess the emotion of confidence should allow their confidence to be motivation to others would are considering going for something.


Waiting, what adjectives are quickly maneuvering through your mind in regards to waiting?  For me I find patience, difficult, searching, and answers to be adjectives that find a place in mind. So to all of you when I speak about waiting I am do not mean wait to act until we conjure up our own plan, but the plan that God gives us to follow.  Yes, waiting require patience. Yes, waiting requires us to endure moments of difficulty while searching for answers.  Therefore, ultimately once we have waited on the Lord and we can see the plan he has for us we can begin the process of Going for it…By waiting we develop dependence on God by which all the pits falls and the blessing we encounter while Going for it… makes our step out in faith on God’s foundation.



Grace and Peace to you,






Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus

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