Salt is good for seasoning. But if it loses its flavor, how do you make it salty again?  Flavorless salt is good neither for the soil nor for the manure pile. It is thrown away. Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand! Luke 14:34and35


Overwhelming exposure to all the world has to offer can be a struggle to resist daily.  What has influence over your life? Is it the drive and determination to be successful at any cost? Just ask yourself this question; is this drive and determination having a negative affect on your relationship with your family or more importantly does it have a negative affect on the time you spend with God?  If your answer is yes than it time to reconsider what the price is you are willing to pay for success.  Think about the relationship you are in whether it is a dating or a married relationship. How do you handle the stresses that come along? Some people drink alcohol on a frequent basis, some on a less frequent basis, but I the challenge you to imagine yourself with the pressures of the world having a drink less frequently. The drink can cause you to have less control of your faculties.  By having less control do you find yourself in situations that you would not be in if you were not under a small amount of influence?  What about the time you spend watching television or the time you spend searching the internet?   Does this influence your thoughts and emotions? We all find ourselves under the influence of images and actions that have a negative affect on our daily walk.  There is no doubt we all have our struggles; we all have our disappointing actions, and speak disappointing words.  I say lets not live under those influences, but I say lets find the influences that God wants us to live within.


With all the battles that we fight daily many times we don’t feel like we can make through the day living under the correct influences.  Remember fighting battles daily we will be rewarded because God knows we are trying to connect with him. The first action we must engage in is to pray before we even attempt to take our first step out of bed.  With Prayer we prepare ourselves to be under the influence of God’s way so we do not go into battle unprotected.  We must attempt to be in prayer throughout the day so we can be grounded and connected to God’s influence. Next, find scripture that will be your guide to a path for the day that will be pleasing to our Lord.  Also, see our battles and struggles as an opportunity to let lead us to a better place in this life.   So many times in life we find ourselves living under the improper influences and the disheartening events that take place, our reaction can be to blame others. So, I ask all of you to bestow grace upon others, which causes a waterfall of God’s influence in our lives.  As the day sets off attempt to be a light unto others whereby a clear picture of God is formed for others. 


It excites me to see what God is doing with through some of my writings in others lives as well as in my own.  My life is nowhere near perfect, but envisioning what God is formulating in my life as well as others is just simply powerful and overwhelming at times.  So let’s all agree we will take steps to live consistently under the influence of the Lord our God.


Grace and Peace to you,








Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus

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