Our family attempts to engage in a Bible study together on a regular basis.  With this study I put the question out to my wife and daughter asking them what book they desired to study after some discussion we followed my daughter wishes and dug in Revelations. For my own quite moments with God I have been studying Ezekiel, which after spending some deep time in both of these books God was clear about what I should be writing about.


In light of the financial crises the United States faces today it is fitting that my topic is about finding your way through life.  We can only find our find way through life in the manner that Gods wants is to rely on him for all things.  We all find ourselves following man for whatever reason, but remember man does not have the answers.  Are all people going to lead you down wrong path? No! A rule to follow is if base on the word of God are we selling our character, are we selling our beliefs than we should not follow the lead of these people. We must not think the world will give us the happiness that is longed for it is only temporary. Maneuvering through life with God as our as our source of direction will assist us in finding that path of life that will bring true joy, true direction and wisdom. Please latch onto God and become aware of what he wants our path of life to resemble.  By latching onto God we become keenly in touch God and rely on him more than on ourselves or others.  Let me ask this question, there is a major decision that will affect your family and its future, do we go to God in prayer and studying the word or do we look in other places for answers. I know that there are times in my life that I seek advice from others more than I connect with God for the answer. So, I plead with each of you do not be as I have been at times, but to go to God for all answers in life.


We are living this life to bring glory to God so the more we can live for God we create a direction in life that leads to peace and direction in our daily actions.  Therefore we are finding our way through life by which God can say well done. I know some time we feel as if as our life is on a conveyer belt that is moving at speed by which we do not have time for much other than the daily essentials.  In this life we must attempt to reduce the speed of life’s conveyer belt so we can be that light of God to all people in this path of life. We must create time to prepare ourselves in which we can find our way through life.  We must depend on God for strength to find our way through life’s peaks and valleys. As we engage in these life events we will   be able to enjoy finding our way through life.  The enjoyment of spending time with our spouse as well as our kids will reach new levels.  As we begin to grow our interactions with others outside of family including strangers will become more life changing. 


What a beautiful place in this life when God have truly become our Guide.  When we grow in understanding in regards to how God wants us to move through life a connections with others will become evident. As we evolve in understanding our path we begin to see by finding our way through life we will begin to live for others.  Our life will not be the focus! No longer will we need to be the person who is controlling because we now have a better understanding of stepping aside and letting God do his work. The enormity of God becomes clearer as we let God be our light through darkness.


Finding our way through this world becomes more comforting when we understanding God will be there to wipe away the tears.  So I write these final few sentences, do not fear for the Lord is near, do not worry because God has all the answers,  and live for the lord. As in the lyrics in a popular song today, is it worth it to loose our soul to gain the whole world? So as we prepare to find our way through this world remember the love of Jesus has prepared the path for us to follow.


Grace and Peace to you,


Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus

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