In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me. Psalm 56:4



In life we have trying moments, which seem to cause doubt, frustrations, and many times heart ache. For many these sorts of moments it can feel sometimes as if they are too consistent, which drives us to become broken and miss guided. With our own strength we can temporarily restrain our flesh, but in the broader picture controlling our flesh through our own will power is something that is recipe for failure. Looking at my own life it is clear as long as I depend on myself for strength I will not be able to resist the flesh. These struggles are not to be taken lightly or just to be waited out until they pass, but instead need to be confronted with the Lord our God.  I ask the questions do you offer your five senses, feet and mind to God on a daily basis in prayer.  I know the days I refrain from prayer and do not consciously cultivate a closer relationship with God I find struggles with the flesh.

 Let’s evaluate the eyes, think about all the images that flash before our eyes daily from food images, sexual images, clothing images, and financial images.  Each of these visual sensational are placed before us to convince to buy into them, what we believe they represent.  Do we think that we spend so much time shopping because God desires us to spend large amounts of time and money on clothing? Not true, most of us desire to own nice things as well as have limitless piles of money to spend on nice things, but do you think this is how God wants us to spend our money and time?  I would have to say no! So take time daily prepare daily to turn you eyes to Jesus.  If we find ourselves struggling with images ask God for help through prayer.

 What about your hands, are they protected daily in order that they are engaged in God’s work? Think about how we use our hands to communicate with people, we shake hands, we hold hands, we give pats on the back, and also we use indecent hand jesters to communicate as well. I say let your hands be part of that light that illuminates to others by using hands that are caring and loving.

Looking at the feet, some may ask what can we do with our feet I say instead of using our feet to move to and fro for our own needs take a moment to use you feet help others through going to visit someone in need or join a walk that raises money for a good cause.

Ears are something that we can use to be up lifting to other.  You ask how so? When we are in earshot of a private conversation we should move to a place were the conversation is no longer audible.  We should place our ears in places where we hear up lifting sounds so our souls can be up brightened.

Did you really think I would use the nose as a critical part of our struggles with the flesh? You can go and smell the roses that God has provided us to enjoy or you can use it for something negative like snorting some sort of drug. Don’t take the nose too lightly.

 The mouth can really be a troublemaker in many facets. The tone in a voice can affect positively or destructively in regards to interaction.  The usage of words can cause the break up of a great relationship or solidify a relationship that withstands the test of time.  Our mouth can lead a person to Christ or turn them away. Knowing that, give that mouth to God each day in order that we can increase the body of Christ.

With all the different aspects of our body I have spoken about the last one I will speak about is the mind.  This powerful aspect affects who we are and what direction our lives will take.  Yes, our lives have many roads it will travel with many peaks and valleys, but with a mind that is built upon the Lord Jesus Christ we will have the opportunity to meet Jesus face to face some day.  I know that life can be frustrating, peaceful, frightening, pleasurable, bring much laughter as well as sorrow.  With a fortified mind that is given to God daily we can accept struggles, and finds the positive light in all the negative situations we encounter as well as deeply enjoy all the wonderful moments God supplies. Remember the struggling of the flesh can be over come with the love of God thriving in our bodies.


Grace and Peace to you


Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus

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