The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and abounding in mercy and loving-kindness Psalm 145:8



The ideas of this blog has been a thought of mine for some time, but I have struggled to compose all the descriptions of compassion into a form that people will find themselves wanting to read, that inspires action. Also this a blog that I hope leads me into action as well because I have no doubt that I could be more of a compassionate person.


While sifting through moments in my life where I have lacked compassion within that time period I find disappointment is the next emotion. In fact today I was running today as passed two people one seemed to be in need of some attention since my visual perspective was that one of them had fallen on the trail while walking.  One of the two gentlemen was assisting the other while walking.  There was ample blood on one of the gentlemen that was cause for concern.  I continued on my run, but only a quick glance at the fellow.  As my run moved me farther away from the two men, I began to get conflicting feeling of needing to return to the men to inquire if they needed assistance.  I wish I could say that I returned to have an encounter with the two gentlemen, but that would not be the truth.  My run was on a loop so at the completion of my run was at the point of intersection where I first noticed the man in need. As, I sat in my truck preparing to drive away I began to look introspectively at myself and feel disappointed in the fact that I felt as if I need to assist the gentlemen, but those feeling did not lead to action. Yes, there have been other times where the compassionate emotion has lead me to action, but clearly it is not consistent enough.


The battle for compassion can be difficult for many reasons, but the battle can be won.  I can write these words because there was a time in my life in which compassion rarely took action. The ironic element here is that many people would shower me with compassion, but I could not pour compassion out to others. My compassionate bestowing changed course once I truly began to understand Jesus.  Once the words and actions of Jesus took a strong hold in my heart my relationship with compassion changed.  Not only did the feelings in my heart for others change , but my actions towards others changed.  No longer did I see people in the same light in regards to just seeing their need, but helping with a touch of compassion.


As I learned showing compassion meant I needed to put others before me which lead to me understanding that I could no longer be self centered if compassion was going to be part of my life. Next, I begin to understand that I must reach out to people in order that I could interact with them to learn their needs. The most difficult task for me in regards to compassion is the fact that by showing some compassion it opens the door for people to see into your soul.  Many people will tell you I am a difficult person to open up, but showing compassion has allowed more people to connect with me.  Most importantly grasping compassion and bestowing compassion upon others has opened the door for Jesus to touch peoples lives.  I do know that I am a better person to others since I have been a seeker of compassion.  I pray that each you take a moment to assess your compassionate side of yourself and make compassion not just one side of you, but all of you. I am still working and I know there is continually much work to be done.  The journey that compassion has lead me on is a wonderful one of creating relationships and learning more about our Lord Jesus Christ.  Please find your journey towards being more of a compassionate person you will be amazed.


Grace and Peace to all


Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus

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