This entry in my blog is a detour from my usual blog, but I felt this is a topic that should be written about. First I want to be clear this is not an endorsement of Mr. Obama. More importantly it is about the change in our country. In fact not a change in our country, but a change in the thinking process of people in our country. I did not spend much time viewing the Democratic convention, until Thursday night during the acceptance speech of Mr Obama.  I really did not engage in his speech as much as I was taken back by the reaction of over 70,000 people electrifying the enormous sports stadium with cheers, with tears and reactions of optimism for the future.  I will admit the scene of such carefree excitement and expectation can be contagious.


Today, I would like to provide my evaluation of why this man who is part African American has the opportunity to stand before our country and the world in the race to become what many will call the most powerful man in the world. Did you hear what I just said? A Black man has the opportunity to become perhaps the most powerful person in the world.  This is from a country who at one point in our nation’s history would have not even considered Mr. Obama a full person, but just a portion of a person.  If he was an African America adult living during a dark time in our history he would have not been allowed to address a young white child by their first name, but in fact would have had to address them by using  Mr or Miss so and so. Now thousands of people whose parents and grand parents would have never considered supporting Mr. Obama or for that fact would have never thought of a man of African-American decent being a real challenger for president supports Mr. Obama.


As I viewed the historic moment I thought about my mother and father who grew up in the deep south where inequality was so painstakingly awful people would have preferred to at least reach a level that resembled equality.  During this time the African-America really had very little influence on any aspect of this country. It could have been dangerous to speak against the country in their home.  I am elated for all the people who looked danger, destruction and death in the face to allow for this moment to happen. I feel deep joy for those mothers, fathers, grandmothers, and grandfathers who have experienced the darkest times in our country to one of brightest moments in our country.


Why has this change occurred? Is it because the economic outlook is too bleak? Is it because people want to see change in Washington? Is it because the world picture is so unclear? I could continue in the same writing stream, but I think we all get the picture. I will agree that people think these are some of the reasons why so many people are locked in a grazing moment wanting change to derive from Mr. Obama.


My view is simple, but powerful. The love of Jesus Christ has reformed hearts and minds of people to see that Mr. Obama is a man with or without his color.  With Jesus and his touch of so many people in this country there is a real possibility to impact the world in a positive view and I am not saying a vote for Mr. Obama is the answer.  What I want to convey here if people who know God will tell others about God as well as let them see that Jesus is real walls will collapse.  So Mr Obama please make sure you understand that this wonderful moment in time is not because of you  or what you envision is possible for change, but God making a statement to the world. People by the thousands are supporting you because God has allowed you this moment in time to impact our country.  I am undecided if I will vote for Mr. Obama, but I am thankful for God to allow our country to have this historical moment in my life time. I WANT TO BE VERY CLEAR I WILL VOTE FOR THE CANDIATE WHO I FEEL WILL USE THE LOVE OF JESUS AND THE WORD OF GOD TO GUIDE THEM AS PRESIDENT.


Grace and peace to you,



Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus

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