Whosoever will come after me let him take up his cross and follow me Matthew 16:24



Many times I wonder how long the world will continue to move in the direction in which it has moved without change happening. So, being out on a long run I found myself contemplating my next attempt at a blog that would be interesting as well as thought provoking. Thoughts rushed through my head as I prayed for a topic that would cause a movement with you the reader. Words, scenarios, deep feelings and pain seem to caravan throughout the deepest areas of my being. Digesting all that was occupying my emotions and the direction God had provided me, the topic was born; “Murderer or Martyr”. These ideas are something that I do not take as expression in the wind or the symbolic gesture of how the cross is misused by many in our culture.


Each day reporters find themselves contorting their faces to express the emotions needed to touch views about a murder that has occurred. Murder surrounds us daily and in many cases murder surrounds us multiple times in twenty 24 hour period. Many people say they could never commit such an immoral act as killing someone. Others categorize their ability to murder in such circumstances that if someone harms my family that is how they would react, or people derive other logical reasons why they could embark into such a devastating act. Here is the question I ask, what about spiritual murder? Do you hate? Do you return the wrongs done unto you? Do you see the needy and act as if you did not notice them?  Does life consist of quiet time with God? Do you spend time reading the Bible? If you answered no to any of these questions then you are causing separation between you and God. Therefore you in your life may have a spiritual murder occurring in your life.  I say no one is immune to not having spiritual murder.


The greater thought is how can we limit the presence of spiritual murder in our lives? One way is to move away from areas that links us to spiritual murder, but instead try to move towards areas that can link us to actions of being a martyr for God.  In order to link ourselves to martyrdom we must first die to self. No longer can our lives be more important than obeying God! No longer can our thoughts be in disobedience with God’s word! We must find ourselves not attempting to lead God to what we want, but being lead by God.  We must reach the understanding that God has placed us in this world to be his workers to help others know him. All who know him must know we are blessed. We must want others to experience the blessing.  So, I ask all of you to give of yourself so others will know the wonders of the Lord. Give of yourself fully; perhaps one day you may be asked to stand before the world and asked do you want life or do you want death. As long as you know the Lord Jesus Christ you will have life.

Truly knowing and experiencing the love of Jesus will lead you will to be willing to accept the blessing of being a martyr of God.


Grace and Peace to you,


Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus

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