Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my way Psalm 119:105


Yesterday after having finished coaching I decided to go for a run at the zoo.  Well don’t think I was out running along side the animals.  The zoo has vast maze of hiking and running trails which encompass many miles. These routes through the large wooded, hilly, watery area are such a relaxing place to exercise. Since I am preparing for a marathon later this year I have a training schedule that some would call rigid, but it exists on the lines of this is the necessary commitment needed to complete a successful race. So, I am of the mind set that I would be on the trail for about an hour, but as I reached my usual return point the clock continued to point me forward. As it seems to always converge to a point of having a good run, but not sure which direction to go I continue to use the clock as my guide. My watch said maintain your pace and the current direction to reach the 30 minute mark to embark on the new return point.  Once I reach that point I took a peek over my shoulder and realized I did not want to return to my starting point on the same trail because I probable had descended 800-1000 feet.  To be very truthful I did not want to climb 800-1000 feet, so I convinced myself to continue forward. Convincing myself this path was easy since the perceived simple route was ahead instead facing the challenge of the climb.  Now, I am in an area which I had never experienced before on any runs at the zoo.  The run seems to becoming more challenging and confusing as well as the once scenic not to mention once relaxing run did not exist anymore. My thoughts now turn to my wife who I am sure is concerned about me since the time in which was mentioned I would return home  is in the distant past by an hour. Understanding my wife and knowing she is truly concerned I become concerned about her so my mind now is thinking more of her than running.  With all this going on I still have to create a path back to my truck which seems like it is hours away. The really insane thought is I have spent enough time on these trails that I would converge on a trail name that would be familiar. NO THAT DID NOT HAPPEN!


I have resorted to asking people what is the fast way back to the zoo.  I received a consortium of responses that only added to my time on the trail. My frustration level rose as rapidly as the seconds ticked on my stopwatch. My body has begun to feel the affects of the nearly two and half hours that have been spent on the trail.  When I am in the difficult aspect of my training being on a run for two and half hours would be the norm but I am not. Finally, I reach a landmark that is extremely familiar so I continue my path on the trial with hope of soon reaching my truck because my body has started to crave nourishment and my energy level is low.  I caused this problem for myself because I had not eaten anything before the run. Once again I came upon an area that offered clues that I was moving in the proper direction, but with all the bad decisions being made I asked one last person for directions.  I took those directions to heart and embarked on an additional 2 miles because of my uncertainty and my desire to find my way back to the truck. When the simple, easy scenic and relaxing run concluded it was a three hour ordeal.


This run yesterday provided much time to contemplate so much.  What a reflection of how we relate with God sometimes.  He takes time to show us the right path through life, but we seem to get lost.  We become lost for the fact we try to step out in front of God and lead him. In order for us not to find ourselves attempting to be the leader with God, think on these words LORD TELL ME YOUR WAYS SHOW ME HOW TO LIVE PSALM 25:4.  How critical are those words? We are so concerned about making plans and focusing on what we want out of life that much time passes before we take time to pray and ask God what he wants for our life. Therefore I say to everyone take time pray and build a pathway of communication with God so we can live as God would have us live.  I am not here saying if we build a pathway of communication with God he will provide us all of our wants.  No! Our prayer life should be used to have us understand how not to attempt to be the leader, but us taking Gods hand and allowing him to lead us to a path of righteousness.   


Without reading and studying the word, without praying we will find ourselves looking in all the wrong places for direction in our life.  Glimpse of hope, temporary happiness is possible without knowing God.  Remember in the end all you will have is temporary, but God will give you the permanent hope and the permanent happiness when we all stand before him.


To all of you who take time to read this blog thank you and I hope it assists you with your direction.  Please pass it along to anyone you like.


Grace and Peace to you,



Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus

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