2 Timothy 2:3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.


Today our team ventured on a road trip today for two games in Atlanta and Charleston the trip took 5 hours. So I took time to read a book by Bill Cosby called “Come On People”, a must read.  Very insightful and powerful, this book caused me to engage in thoughts that were focused on self evaluation and placed questions into my mind if I am in the right place in life.   I find myself in an important place where I want to be bold about my love for Jesus. So this blog leads into what I hope is a bold step in making sure I can express my love for Jesus and touch other lives through being an example of how Jesus reforms lives.


Sold out for Jesus…


  1. Does God come first in your life before all else?
  2. Are your thoughts in line with God’s word? Reading the Bible is important to know and understand God’s word.
  3. Do you ask God for guidance and consistently for direction?
  4. Regardless of circumstances your belief and love for God never fails or but becomes stronger.
  5. Can people see that you are different by your actions and want to know  what makes you different



Standing up for Jesus…


  1. Will you speak about God with non-believers?
  2. Will you defend the word of God at all times?
  3. Do you know that once people understand you are a believe in Jesus, they are watching you for failure?
  4. Will you speak the truth regardless of what people will think of you?
  5. Will your faith never fail even under the most intense pressure?


Dying for Jesus…


  1. Will you face the fire knowing death is near?
  2. Will you stand before an earthly judge and not renounce Jesus in order to save your life?
  3. Will you sacrifice your life to make sure Jesus is known by all people?
  4. Will the fear of death be more powerful than giving up your life simply because Jesus loves you?
  5.  Will you take up your cross and follow Jesus?



Just contemplate these question and answer with straight forward words.  Do not give explanations about your answers.  Find out where you are in your walk with God. If you do not like your answers than work on changing them in the manner you want. Remember the more you seek God the more he will reveal himself to you.  Let these words inspire you to examine your walk with God.

Grace and Peace to you,


Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus

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