He left them and was taken up into heaven” (Luke 24:51). The ascension completed the transfiguration. Our Lord returned to his original place of glory, but he didn’t return simply as the Son of God. He returned also as the Son of Man. Because he did, all of humanity now has free access to the throne of God. As Son of Man, Jesus Christ deliberately limited his divine omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. Now, in his glory, they are his in absolute power. Sitting at the throne of God, Jesus Christ, as Son of Man, has all power. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords from the day of his ascension until now. GodisGood ##leadership #oswaldchanbers #faith #believe #soccer #coaching

Published by rulookingforjesus

I am a 52 years old married with 4 kids. I am curretly a professional soccer coach in the United States. I enjoy sports, writing, reading, running and spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed knowing Jesus and now he continues to show me that I must share him with everyone. Therefore this blog is allowing a person who is very private to open up without being anything but truthful about Jesus